Xref: relcom soc.culture.soviet:855 talk.politics.soviet:3786 Path:                     relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!caen!uflorida!gatech!mcnc!taco!ecebucolix!steve    From: steve@ecebucolix.ncsu.edu (Steve Garnier)

Newsgroups:  soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet Subject:  Re: Western                                       folks   consider  posting  your  addresses   Message-ID:


Date: 20 Aug 91 20:31:15 GMT

Sender: steve@ecebucolix.ncsu.edu

Reply-To:  steve@ecebucolix.ncsu.edu (Steve Garnier) Organization: North Carolina State University Lines: 4

Steve Garnier

Box 7911

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, North Carolina  27695-7911

Xref: relcom talk.politics.guns:3079 talk.politics.soviet:3787 Path:                     relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!usc!apple!netcomsv!jackal    From:     jackal@netcom.COM (Christopher Grant)

Newsgroups:  talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.soviet Subject:  Re: Coup "Can it happen here?"

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.214653.21706@netcom.COM> Date:  20  Aug  91 21:46:53 GMT

References: <26817@well.sf.ca.us>

Organization:  Netcom - Online Communication Services   (408  241­9760 guest) Lines: 23


                                                    Once  again,  there  seems to be a belief  that  American troops  are  grown  in vats somewhere, or are  all  pre-programmed Terminators. It is not

wise  to assume that the American military will blindly and  fully follow  a  program  of governemt oppression. In China,  during  T­Square, and even now

in  the Soviet Union, there is some question as to the loyalty  of many  of                                    the  military units involved-- and those are governments

with MUCH more control over their ranks than America.

                                                       No,   the  government  here  would  not  have  the  full cooperation  of us servicemembers. We believe in the Constitution, and  many  of  us own firearms of our own. American soldiers  have friends, and families, and loved ones among civilian society,  and the though of turning our cannon on them is

not an option.

                             I  believe  I  speak for a vast majority of  US  military personnel, a belief I back up with personal discussions with  many servicemembers during my six years in the Army.

                          Chris Grant


Xref: relcom relcom.politics:103 talk.politics.soviet:3788 Newsgroups: relcom.politics,talk.politics.soviet

Path: relcom!demos!news-server

From:  avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su (Vadim Antonov)

Subject: информация из РИА

Message-ID: <ACA2cieiD3@jumbo.hq.demos.su> Lines: 129

Sender:                         news-server@kremvax.hq.demos.su         Reply-To:

avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su Organization: DEMOS, Moscow, USSR

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 15:46:02 +0200

Organization: RIA SU

From:  aleks@ria.msk.su  (RIA  SU Aleks)  Date:  Wed,  21  Aug  91

15:08:06 +0300 (MSD) Subject: RIA_NEWS



МОСКВА. /РИА/. "Мы должны убедиться в том, что Горбачев жив, здоров,-  сказал премьер-министр РСФСР Иван Силаев на Чрезвычайной сессии Верховного Совета РСФСР. Он попросил депутатов поручить ему и  вицепрезиденту РСФСР Александру Руцкому вместе с  председателем КГБ  СССР  Владимиром Крючковым и медицинскими экспертами  выехать туда,                 где находится Президент Горбачев. Это решение было  принято


Как сообщил с места один из депутатов /РИА пока неизвестна фамилия/,  у  него  есть достоверные данные о  том,  что  Владимир Крючков  отдал приказ силам спецназа КГБ СССР и ГРУ Генштаба  СССР осуществить  захват  "Белого  Дома"  и  интернировать  руководство России. Однако Хасбулатов потребовал доказательств этого и прервал сообщение  депутата. На сессии объявлен перерыв на 30 минут,  и  в это  время  пришло сообщение, что Крючков приехать  на  сессию  не сможет. -0-



МОСКВА. /РИА/. "Путч произошел именно в тот период, когда демократия  начала  нарастать  и  набирать  темпы",-   заявил   на Чрезвычайной сессии российского парламента Президент  РСФСР  Борис Ельцин. Он напомнил, что уже было две попытки правого переворота ­в конце прошлого года, когда все остановило лишь заявление Эдуарда Шеварднадзе и позиция мирового сообщества, и на недавней сессии ВС СССР,                  "когда те же лица, которые стали авторами нынешнего  путча,

требовали для себя особых полномочий".

                                      Ельцин    снова    заявил,   что    "переворот    является антиконституционным,   так  как  никаких  заявлений   от   законно избранного   Президента  страны  не  поступало   и   нет   никаких медицинских  свидетельств о том, что Горбачев  недееспособен".  Он сослался на мнение личного врача Президента СССР, который  виделся накануне

переворота с Горбачевым.

Ельцин сообщил, что в телефонных переговорах с руководителями стран         Запада и союзных республик, которые, по его словам,  твердо

заявили  о  том,  что осуждают "антиконституционый  переворот,  не признают  ГКЧП  и поддерживают российское руководство,  а  так  же будут                 принимать  все  меры  для того,  чтобы  мировое  сообщество

выразило  свое  отношение" к событиям в СССР. Ельцин  обратился  к руководителям  Запада с просьбой потребовать связи  с  Президентом Горбачевым, заблокированным на даче в Крыму. -0-



                                   МОСКВА.   /РИА/.   "Антиконституционный  переворот   вызван стремлением   торпедировать   новый  Союзный   договор",-   заявил исполняющий обязанности Председателя российского парламента Руслан Хасбулатов, выступая 21 августа на Чрезвычайной сессии  Верховного Совета       РСФСР.  Другой  "причиной путча" он  назвал  недовольство

реакционных сил влиянием, которое оказывала прогрессивная политика российского руководства на ход событий в стране. К числу "основных целей                                   заговорщиков"   Хасбулатов  отнес   стремление   устранить

руководство  России.  Переворот  -  это  и  реакция  на  тот  курс радикальных  реформ,  на  который, после долгих  колебаний,  встал Президент СССР Михаил Горбачев.

                                Хасбулатов  призвал парламентариев принять  на  сессии  блок решений,  в  частности  -  Закон,  одобряющий  последние  действия Президента России Бориса Ельцина. Он высказал мнение, что в  столь решительный момент разногласия между членами ВС РСФСР должны  быть отброшены.

                Руководитель парламента России высказал возмущение освещением нынешних событий в стране газетами "Правда", "Советская Россия"  и Советским   ТВ.  Он  предложил  национализировать   эти   средства информации  уже  на  этой сессии. Хасбулатов  высказал  недоумение

/.'(f(%)  журналистов этих редакций, терпящих своих руководителей, которые "готовы служить любой власти".-0-



                                МОСКВА. /РИА/. Между вице-мэром Лужковым и начальником штаба Московского военного округа Золотовым достигнута договоренность  о выводе  войск из центральной части города и сосредоточения  их  на двух  площадках в черте города. Об этом было сообщено на заседании президиума Моссовета. Ведутся переговоры о дальнейшем выводе войск из Москвы.-0-




                                   МОСКВА.   /РИА/.   Исполняющий   обязанности   Председателя российского   парламента  Руслан  Хасбулатов  сообщил,   что   два сотрудника  КГБ,  приехавшие в Дом Советов, потребовали  отключить телетрансляцию сессии. -0-



                                МОСКВА.  /РИА/. Свердловский ОМОН направил в Государственный комитет РСФСР по оборонным вопросам сообщение о том, что он  готов вылететь  в  Москву  для поддержки и защиты  здания  Дома  Советов РСФСР.  Председатель  комитета  генерал-полковник  Кобец  направил ранее в Свердловск телефакс о необходимости этой помощи.-0­

910821086                Официальная информация

МОСКВА. /РИА/. Передаем обращение Президента РСФСР Бориса

Ельцина        к  воинам  Отдельной  мотострелковой  дивизии   им. Дзержинского:

                "Воины-соотечественники! Сыновья!

Я, Президент России, избранный волей нашего многострадального народа,  обращаюсь  к вам в этот нелегкий для Отчизны  час.  Перед вами                    выбор:   либо   оказать  поддержку   группе   заговорщиков,

узурпировавших власть, выполнить их преступный приказ и пойти  тем самым против

своего   народа,  либо  защитить  демократию,  законную,   народом избранную власть.

                                Первый  путь  ведет  страну к братоубийственной  гражданской войне,   к   жестокому   кровопролитию.  Второй   же   гарантирует гражданский мир, конституционный порядок и безопасность.

                                Дорогие  мои  сыновья! Я надеюсь на вас, на  ваш  правильный выбор.  Надеюсь,  что  вы  станете на сторону  законной  власти  ­Президента РСФСР. Уверен, что вы не допустите насилия,  что  вашим отцам и матерям не будет горько за своих детей.

                Соотечественники! Воины! Дзержинцы!

                   Я  отдаю  вам  приказ: немедленно без колебаний  перейти  на сторону законной власти, соблюдая при этом порядок и дисциплину. Униженная, оскорбленная, великая Россия зовет вас". -0910821093 ЕЛЬЦИН: ЧЛЕНЫ ГКЧП НАПРАВЛЯЮТСЯ В СТОРОНУ АЭРОПОРТА МОСКВА. /РИА/. Как только что сообщил на сессии ВС РСФСР

Президент России Борис Ельцин, "члены так называемого ГКЧП в  СССР направляются в сторону аэропорта "Внуково". Он предложил  поручить Аэрофлоту,  КГБ  России и МВД России блокировать их  в  аэропорту. Сессия одобрила предложения российского лидера.

                   Как  сообщили  в РИА очевидцы, перед полуднем во  внутреннем $".`%         КГБ  СССР в две легковые машины, принадлежащие Председателю

КГБ  СССР Владимиру Крючкову, грузились упакованные вещи.  Позднее лимузины уехали в неизвестном направлении. -0-

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!news.c s.indiana.edu!gasser@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu                    From: gasser@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Michael Gasser)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: News from other republics

Summary: Response to coup in Baltics, Ukraine Message-ID: <1991Aug20.181704.1255@news.cs.indiana.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 23:16:54 GMT

Organization: Computer Science, Indiana University

Lines: 16

The  Estonian  Parliament has declared complete independence  from the USSR.

The Latvian Parliament has apparently been taken by Soviet troops. A  Ukrainian official (I'm not sure who) declared the coup invalid (or some such term) in the Ukraine.

Georgian  President  Gamsakhurdia called on other  governments  to recognize the 6 republics seeking independence.


Michael Gasser

Indiana University, Computer Science Department

Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

gasser@cs.indiana.edu           (812) 855-7078

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!apple!ig!indy cms.bitnet!IPWP400 From: IPWP400@indycms.bitnet (phil paxton) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Contacting the News People & Local Media

Message-ID: <TPS-L%91082017113267@INDYCMS.BITNET> Date: 20 Aug  91 22:09:48 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 11

How  is  everyone handling the fact that a line is indeed  running out  of the USSR and that information is available?  I know of  at least  one  (I'm sure the others would drool at the chance)  local station

interested in obtaining as much information as possible regarding what is going on and still providing anonymity.

Your thoughts? ---------------+--------------------------+----------------------­------

                      phil      paxton      |      ipwp400@indycms.bitnet       | ipwp400@indycms.iupui.edu ---------------+-----------------------­--+-----------------------------

Xref: relcom talk.politics.soviet:3791 soc.culture.soviet:856 Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!ncar!noao!arizona !kline From: kline@cs.arizona.edu (Nick Kline)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet,soc.culture.soviet

Subject: Re: PLEASE post your surface mail addresses

Message-ID: <6399@optima.cs.arizona.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 23:07:07 GMT

References:                                        <35178@usc.edu> <1991Aug20.145148.11449@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>                Sender: news@cs.arizona.edu

Followup-To: talk.politics.soviet

Organization: U of Arizona CS Dept, Tucson

Lines: 5

Nick Kline

1339 K. East Ft. Lowell

Tucson, Arizona, 85719, USA


Xref:       relcom      eunet.politics:1658      alt.activism:3657 talk.politics.soviet:3792                                    Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!unido!tpki!olaf

From: olaf@tpki.toppoint.de (Olaf Schlueter)

Newsgroups: eunet.politics,alt.activism,talk.politics.soviet Subject: Re: Coup in the Soviet Union

Message-ID: <10553@tpki.toppoint.de>

Date: 20 Aug 91 12:52:29 GMT

References: <1991Aug19.150828.14923@ida.liu.se> Followup-To: eunet.politics

Organization: Toppoint Mailbox e.V., Kiel, BRD

Lines: 27

uda@ida.liu.se (Ulf Dahlen) writes:

>The  coup  in the Soviet Union is really shocking! Did anyone  of you

>expect this now? And the way it happened?

It  is. And to me it came out of a pretty blue sky. The only thing that  was  not that surprising was who did it. It may be  a  prove that  Gorbatschow was not as responsible for what Pugo did in  the Balticum as some of us thought.

During  the  last year I saw a couple of postings  from  a  soviet machine  located  in  Moscow. Are you still on  the  net  ?  Since newspapers, tv and radio stations are now controlled by the junta, you  may be interested to get news from the outside about what  is going  on in SU. I am afraid that the majority of people in SU  is not  sure  whether  the  coup  is legal.  The  junta  claims  that Gorbatschow is ill. This would legalize the takeover by  the  vice president.  But  it  is  definitely not  true.  French  television reported yesterday, that Gorbatschow has been brought to Moscow on Saturday and ordered to sign a declaration of retreat. He  refused to  do  that!  About  where he actually is, there  exists  several disagreeing news: he is either back on Krim, brought to Sewastopol or in Moscow (the source for the first two news is french tv again,  the last one is from Interfax). All sources agree that  he is arrested.

Olaf  Schlueter,  Sandkuhle 4-6, 2300 Kiel, FRG, Toppoint  Mailbox e.V.        olaf@tpki.toppoint.de,        schlut@oski.toppoint.de, ...!unido!tpki.toppoint.de!olaf "Wenn Sie sich nicht  fuer  Frauen interessieren - wir verkaufen auch gebrauchte Autos." N.N.

Path:               relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!casbah.acns.nwu.edu!hpa

From: hpa@casbah.acns.nwu.edu (H. Peter Anvin, N9ITP)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message­ID: <1991Aug20.220241.18393@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 22:02:41 GMT

References:  <kb2q4fINN2bs@utkcs2.cs.utk.edu> <1966@opus.NMSU.Edu> Organization:  Northwestern University,  Evanston,  Illinois,  USA Lines: 12

Peter Anvin

802 Clark St #2

Evanston, IL 60201

N9ITP on 2 m amateur radio (2 m only)



INTERNET:   hpa@casbah.acns.nwu.edu    (hpa@nwu.edu   after   this summer) BITNET:   HPA@NUACC           HAM RADIO:  N9ITP, SM4TKN FIDONET:   1:115/989.4          NeXTMAIL:   hpa@lenny.acns.nwu.edu "finger" the Internet address above for more information.

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!wupost!m.cs.uiuc.edu!vela!umich!term inator!home.merit.edu!clw From: clw@home.merit.edu (Chris Weider) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Communism

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.172409.21497@terminator.cc.umich.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 17:24:09 GMT

Sender: usenet@terminator.cc.umich.edu (usenet news)

Organization: Merit Network, Inc.

Lines: 30

Originator: clw@home.merit.edu

The  basic  tenets of communism, as expressed in the phrase  'from each according

to  their ability, to each according to their needs', seems to  me to break

down for large groups for the following reasons:

1) the first concept, from each according to their ability, can be implemented

in  one  of  two  ways  for a worker 'Vera'. Either  Vera  can  be sufficiently

knowledgable  about the needs of her society to realize  her  duty and  do  it  (which  requires  near-perfect  information  about  a society,  which is possible for groups of 10 or 100  but  not  for groups  of  10 or 100 million), or someone can tell  her  what  is needed,  and  what  she  should do. In the second  case,  Vera  is accepting the authority and knowedge of the other person as to the proper application of her labor, and in this we have the seeds  of the state.

Even  with  the  purest motives in the world, and no  selfishness, something which fulfils either the role of the state (USSR) or the market  (US)  must  grow into place when the  communistic  society grows too large for near-perfect information.

2)  the  second  concept breaks down because the word  'needs'  is undefinable  in  concrete  terms. Certainly  food  and  water  are 'needs', but is a color tv?

a  new  car? an extremely expensive life-saving medicine? a  space station?

And  what  of the needs of society? In all but the most  primitive societies,  there is an excess of labor over what is  required  to feed,  clothe, water and shelter the laborers and their  families. Who determines what shall be done with that excess of labor?

I'm  sorry, but the state will never 'wither away', especially  in the absence of any other force directing excess labor.

Chris Weider


Merit Network

Path:      relcom!demos!fuug!news.funet.fi!sunic!kth.se!eru!bloom­beacon!micro-heart-of­gold.mit.edu!wupost!usc!sdd.hp.com!news.cs.indiana.edu!gasser@iuva x.cs.indiana.edu   From:   gasser@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu                                (Michael


Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: News of Leningrad

Summary: Anti-junta demonstration

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.173943.336@news.cs.indiana.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 22:39:24 GMT

Organization: Computer Science, Indiana University

Lines: 11

Two  news  reports here on the situation in Leningrad.  Tanks  are apparently outside the city but have not entered it.  There was  a major  demonstration  in  the  city  (in  the  morning,  I  think) described  by one eyewitness (a historian from Indiana University) as  150,000.  He also described the local militia as friendly  and in support of the elected city officials.


Michael Gasser

Indiana University, Computer Science Department

Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

gasser@cs.indiana.edu           (812) 855-7078

Xref: relcom soc.culture.soviet:857 talk.politics.soviet:3796 Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!cannelloni.cis.ohio-state.edu!chandra                                   From:

chandra@cannelloni.cis.ohio-state.edu (B Chandrasekaran) Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet

Subject:  Stop  the  addresses? (Was: Re: Western  folks  consider posting            your           addresses)           Message-ID: <1991Aug20.224624.23592@cis.ohio-state.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 22:46:24 GMT

References: <1991Aug20.203115.8907@ncsu.edu>

Sender: news@cis.ohio-state.edu (NETnews        )

Organization:  The Ohio State University, Department  of  Computer and Information Science Lines: 11

It seems to me that the bandwidth consumption will be humongous if everyone  who read these newgroups posted their addresses, etc.

Someone  posted some time ago a message on the need  not  to  clog these  bboards.  I have already seen close to 50 address postings, wouldn't that be enough?  My concern is that in an attempt to be helpful, we don't end up causing problems.  Of course, people with special  knowledge (of Soviet languages, e.g.) or contacts  should continue  to  post,  but it would appear  that  the  rest  of  the addresses  can stop now.  Netters more knowledgeable  than  I  who have reason to know that such address postings should continue can of course overrule my suggestion.

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!news.c s.indiana.edu!gasser@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu                    From: gasser@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Michael Gasser)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Fighting at Russian Parliament

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.174717.690@news.cs.indiana.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 22:47:12 GMT

Organization: Computer Science, Indiana University

Lines: 10

According to reports on National Public Radio here, there has been shooting  at  the  Russian Parliament building, where  Yeltsin  is holed  up, during the last hour or two.  Some deaths have  already been  reported.  It's not clear how many people, tanks,  etc.  are defending the building.


Michael Gasser

Indiana University, Computer Science Department

Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

gasser@cs.indiana.edu           (812) 855-7078

Xref:   relcom   talk.politics.soviet:3798  soc.culture.soviet:858 soc.motss:2588 alt.politics.homosexuality:32

Path:               relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!mips!news.cs.indiana.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!midway!quads!r jh1 From: rjh1@quads.uchicago.edu (robert j hinde)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet,soc.culture.soviet,soc.motss,alt.politics.hom osexuality

Subject: corrected number of people at USSR lesbian/gay rallies Keywords: gay, lesbian, bisexual, USSR, Soviet

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.214540.12434@midway.uchicago.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 21:45:40 GMT

Sender:   news@midway.uchicago.edu  (NewsMistress)   Organization: University of Chicago -- Dept. of Chemistry Lines: 13

I  have  received the following message from a volunteer with  the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission,

which  helped organize this year's gay and lesbian conferences  in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

> ... please note that 20,000 people did *not* march through the > streets of Moscow demanding equal rights for lesbian, gay,  and  > bisexual people.  20,000 was the total number of people who

> participated in the conferences in both cities, [Moscow and

> St. Petersburg] including the film festivals that accompanied

> the conferences ...

My apologies for the error.

Path:               relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!bronze!anachem

From: anachem@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (mark s gilstrap)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Church in Revolution

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.234322.528@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 23:43:22 GMT

References: <TPS-L%91081920240571@INDYCMS.BITNET>

Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington

Lines: 65

In          article          <TPS-L%91081920240571@INDYCMS.BITNET> "talk.politics.soviet via ListServ" <TPS-L@indycms.bitnet> writes:

>One of the most important variables in the current

>situation in the Soviet Union is the Russian

>Orthodox Church.

>Where will the patriarch and the leading hierarchs

>of the church give their support?

>Tonight's VREMYA broadcast did not carry an explicit message >from  the  church,  but there was what perhaps  was  an  implicit >message.    Extensive  coverage  was  given   to   a   beautiful, >marvelous,  typical Russian Orthodox church ceremony  in--of  all >places--the  grandest,  capital  cathedral  inside  the   Kremlin >itself,  the  cathedral of the Dormition of the  Blessed  Virgin. >This  is a place where very few masses have been permitted >since the Bolshevik coup.  In fact, I know of only five such

>services.  None was permitted between Easter 1918 and Oct.  1989, >when the church marked the 400th anniversary of the establishment >of the Russian patriarchate.

>This  1991  one was a ceremony in conjunction with the conference of >expatriots.  It is easy to interpret this kind of coverage

>as an overture from the ruling committee to the church

>that signifies continuity with the effective policy of the recent >past, which is a policy of alliance among the KGB, Church,

>army,  and  central committee of the Communist  Party.  I  expect >that  alliance to continue, but I would welcome evidence to  >the contrary.

Yesterday (the 19th) was the Feast of the Transfiguration, one  of the 12 great feasts of the Orthodox Church.

This  is  one  of the feasts of light in that it commemorates  the shining forth of the divinity of Christ in uncreated light  on  Mt Tabor in the prescence of Moses and Elijah

seen by Peter, James and John shortly before the Crucifixion.

It is not coincidental that the powers of darkness chose this feast of light to attempt to disfigure Russia anew.

Be  it  known  that  the free Russian Orthodox Church  Outside  of Russia took notice of the events on this great feast.

Many thousands of believers in many parishes in the free

world attended Moleiben's to the New Martyrs of Russia asking  for intercession in the struggles to "free the homeland from the cruel godless ones."

In St Louis the major network affiliates dispatched satelite crews to  my  church and covered both the Festal Liturgy and the prayers for  the  Salvation of Russia. May the Patriarchate not fall  into the Sergianist obedience they know so well. May they recognize  in their  own  circumstances the reality of the  Martyrdom  of  their predecessors and glorify the memory of

the  sacrificial offerings made in the past. May the blood of  the New  Martyrs be for the deliverance of Russia, not as a  point  of contention and further cause for unrepentant behavior.

The only hope for Russia rests in her repentance. Mark Gilstrap

                          500 West 13th St

                          Bloomington, Indiana 47404

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!rice!hsdndev!husc­news.harvard.edu!zariski!zeleny  From:  zeleny@zariski.harvard.edu (Mikhail Zeleny)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: 20.08.91 11:45

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.154717.2686@husc3.harvard.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 19:47:15 GMT

References: <AB_ZDieawL@kremvax.hq.demos.su>

Organization: Harvard University Dept. of Mathematics

Lines: 18

Nntp-Posting-Host: zariski.harvard.edu

In                             article            <AB_ZDieawL@kremvax.hq.demos.su>

korotay@kremvax.hq.demos.su writes:

>mOSKWA 20.08.91  11^AS. 45MIN.



Good call.  Fuck `em hard, baby. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\  | ``If there are no Platonic ideals, then what did we  fight for?''  |

|                                         (A Spanish anarchist, after 1938)   |

| Mikhail Zeleny                        Harvard   |

| 872 Massachusetts Ave., Apt. 707                           doesn't   |

| Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139                         think    |

| (617) 661-8151                             so     |

| email zeleny@math.harvard.edu or zeleny@zariski.harvard.edu        | \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!ukc!edcastle!spider!raft.spider.co.uk!pete

r From: peter@spider.co.uk (Peter Reid)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message­ID:  <PETER.91Aug21014150@orbweb.spider.co.uk>  Date:  21  Aug  91 00:41:50 GMT

Sender: news@spider.co.uk (USENET News System) Distribution: talk Organization: Spider Systems Limited, Edinburgh, UK

Lines: 16

Nntp-Posting-Host: orbweb.spider.co.uk

Peter Reid

1F1, 72 Madeira Street


Edinburgh EH6 4AU



Home  phone (44) 31 554 2164 Work phone (44) 31 554 9424 Work  fax (44) 31 555 0664 --

Peter Reid - Project Consultant      |   Spider Systems Limited

                          |    Spider  Park,  Stanwell Street

-             peter@spider.co.uk                 |    Edinburgh,  EH6  5NG,


-  peter%spider.co.uk@uunet.uu.net             |   +44  31  554  9424  (Ext


Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!ucbvax!GAUSS.CASR.FAU.EDU!qiangli                  From: qiangli@GAUSS.CASR.FAU.EDU (Charlie Li)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: USSR Crisis Update 8/20/91

Message-ID: <9108210006.AA23842@gauss.casr.fau.edu> Date: 21 Aug 91 00:06:24 GMT

Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU

Lines: 149

PRODIGY 08/20/91

Standoff Turns Violent

             Three persons were shot dead outside the Russian

 Parliament in Moscow by Soviet tank crews as armored vehicles

 crashed through a barricade guarding the building, news

 reports say.

Two Coup Leaders Reported Ill

Two leaders of the coup that toppled Mikhail Gorbachev

are ill and no longer functioning as members of the ruling

 junta, reports say.

Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov has high blood pressure,

state television announced, and Defense Minister Dmitri

 Yazov is suffering from an unspecified illness, according to

 2 unconfirmed reports. Both were senior leaders of the 8-man

 Emergency Committee that replaced Gorbachev Monday.

             But Politburo member Mikhail Surkov told Reuters reports

 of the resignations are not true.

Pavlov is confined to bed, an announcer on the leading

 evening television news program Vremya said.

             "We have just received information that on the morning of

 Aug 19 [Monday], the Prime Minister of the USSR, Valentin

 Pavlov, had an attack of high blood pressure," the report


             "As a result of medical treatment, his state improved.

 Yet, after the evening meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers,

 it got worse again," the report said.

             "At present, he must remain in bed," it said.

             The report said Vitaly Doguzhiyev, a deputy prime

 minister since 1989, is taking over Pavlov's duties.

It was not immediately clear whether Pavlov had a

 previous history of heart or circulatory problems. Also Tuesday, Vladimir Lukin, head of the Russian

 parliament's Foreign Relations Committee, said Yazov, 67,

 had taken ill, and that his duties in the new government were temporarily being filled by Gen Mikhail Moiseyev, the chief of the general staff.

A duty officer at the Defense Ministry Press Center said Tuesday night he could neither confirm nor deny the report.

Tanks Close In

             Earlier  Tuesday, Yeltsin, president of the Russian  republic, told British Prime Minister John Major that tanks were approaching the  Parliament building in Moscow where he is headquartered.  "He believed he had not very much time left," Major said.

But a Russian republic official said Gennady Yanayev, the

acting  Soviet  president, has given Yeltsin his "word  of  honor" that  the Russian Parliament building will not be stormed  Tuesday night.

The tank movement came hours after Yeltsin gave a fiery

speech denouncing government hard-liners.

                                             Tanks Move

             A  clandestine  radio station inside the Parliament  building, Moscow  Echo,  said tanks rolled to within a mile of the  building and that an assault was feared imminent.

Several tanks were seen traveling from the airfield

toward  the Russian Parliament building along a major street,  but turned  off before reaching the building, according to a  producer at  the  nearby  NBC  News office. Streets around  the  Parliament building were blocked off.

          But many soldiers are going over to Yeltsin's side. Yeltsin was quoted  as  saying  2 elite divisions expressed  a  willingess  to defend Parliament.

Soviet Foreign Minister Also Reported "Sick"

             "The junta that has come to power will not stop at anything to keep that power," Yeltsin said earlier Tuesday to a crowd of about 150,000. "They understand that things have reached the point  that if  they  lose, they will lose not only their armchairs, but  they will be seated on court benches."

Even as he spoke, there were indications the hard-liners

are moving to try to silence Gorbachev allies.

A Soviet Foreign Ministry official said Foreign Minister

Alexander  Bessmertnykh  had  taken "sick"  after  returning  from vacation.

                       Coal Miners Strike

The Soviet official said, however, that Bessmertnykh is

"expected to return to work in a few days."

The coup leaders have also claimed that Gorbachev is ill,

but few believe it.

Gorbachev has not been heard from since Monday's coup,

which came while he was vacationing in the Crimea.

In an economic threat to the new government, coal miners

in  Siberia  and  the Soviet far north heeded Yeltsin's  call  and

walked off the job.

But a general strike, also called for by Yeltsin, is failing to materialize.

                                             Where Is Gorbachev?

                             Gorbachev Said Held Under KGB Guard

             Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is being held in the Crimea with 2 key aides under KGB guard, a senior

 official of the Russian republic said Tuesday.

             Sergei Stankevich says Monday's coup began when an

 unnamed Soviet military officer gave the order to block the

 presidential plane from leaving Foros, the location of the

presidential  retreat,  about  700  miles  south   of   Moscow.

Gorbachev's staff and his high-tech communications gear

 were flown out soon after, leaving Gorbachev isolated. KGB security forces took full control at the scene, he says.

                                    Reported Attempt to Free Him

                    Stankevich's account is at odds with the Emergency

 Committee's official announcement, which said it had taken

 power because of Gorbachev's ill health.

                ABC News reports that some local KGB authorities

 attempted to free Gorbachev but failed. The network says the

 attempt occurred Monday and may explain unconfirmed reports

 that Gorbachev had left Crimea.

                                          Bush Returns to Maine

                                    Sending the Right Signal

                   Bush  Resumes  His Vacation With an Eye on Moscow  President Bush has resumed his vacation and is back in

 Kennebunkport, Me.

             Before returning from an overnight visit to Washington,

Bush told reporters to expect a busier schedule during his

 remaining 2 holiday weeks in Kennebunkport, Me.

             Bush was mindful of criticism of his decision to proceed

 with his vacation after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait last year. "I'm going to spend a little more time--maybe quite a bit

more time--in various formal ways that you will see unveiled

 in staying on top of this situation," Bush said.

             "I don't want to send a signal, by sitting around the

Oval Office looking busy, that the American people should

 expect an instant satisfactory answer to this problem," he


             Bush also announced Robert Strauss, sworn in as US

 ambassador to the Soviet Union Tuesday, would travel to

 Moscow immediately on a fact-finding mission and report back

 to him "in the next several days."

             Earlier Tuesday, Bush said he spoke by phone with Yeltsin

 and assured him of US support for restoring Soviet President

 Mikhail Gorbachev to power.

Path:      relcom!demos!fuug!news.funet.fi!sunic!dkuug!daimi!simonl

From: simonl@daimi.aau.dk (Simon Laub)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: USSR - what do they think ?

Keywords: Hardliners,Gorbatjov,Reform movement

Message-ID: <1991Aug21.010442.27347@daimi.aau.dk>

Date: 21 Aug 91 01:04:42 GMT

Sender: simonl@daimi.aau.dk (Simon Laub)

Organization:   DAIMI:   Computer   Science   Department,   Aarhus University, Denmark Lines: 66


Aug. 20 th 23.00 GMT.

Reflections on what the actors in the current soviet drama wants : Apparently Gorbatjov had a problem deciding whether he should

be part of the reform movement or part of the old communist guard. I find it hard to believe that he could believe some sort of

half way solution could be found ... either the press is free

or  it  is  not ... either there is one ruling party or there  are many parties ...either there is democracy or there is not ....

If  Gorbatjov saw his mission as confusing the hardliners , making way for democratic forces he was a nb. 1. success . If he believed in  the  middle road between dictatorship and democracy he himself must have been confused.

Having  enough of Gorbatjovs Glasnost and Perestroijka  hardliners decided to remove him ... But besides from a longing for the

nice old ordered yesterday they seem to lack the stomach of 'good' dictatorship !

The first 8 hours of the coup was less than excellent executed.

a)  Why  wasnt  Yeltsin  taken also -  along  with  the  mayor  of Leningrad

and Moscow and A L L other pominent proreform personage.

b) Why wasnt a die-hard communist military unit kept in reserve in Leningrad and Moscow for a 'chinese solution' to demonstrators.

c)  Why  wasnt  all military units in ( at least )  Leningrad  and Moscow  equipped  with enforcers ( SS-style ) to  make  sure  they always knows which way to go ?

Then comes the plan for the next 5 - 10 years , where the

the old guard have all odds against them :

In the long run I doubt that dictatorship works in a hightech ­society   .  Economic  progress  takes  openness,free  access   to information, free flow of money and freedom to travel.

All opposites to oldfashioned dictatorship.

So if economic progress takes free minds ( and at least not slaves )  the conspirators can succeed in restoring dictatorship only  by accepting the USSR as a developing country.

Basicly : if they have hopes of improvement in the economy -  they must  relax  dictatorship - As Gorbatjov  did  -  with  the  known anarchy/ democracy as a consequence.

And they are all against that solution !

If their only ambition was to slow down the process of reform too keep the priviledges in their lifetime ,this platform looks shaky compared to a idealistic and determined people set on democracy. Internally the conspirators now comes down with all sorts

of  illnesses  (  rumours  includes GMT.  22.00  Jasov,Paulov  and Kritjujkov ) . Statistically speaking I feel that 'illnesses'  are running  high  in the junta  --- perhaps some of the  conspirators agree with the arguments

of above and havent got the stomach for the coming shootout ? Simon.

Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio­state.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!ar950    From: ar950@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Robert Casacchia)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Gorby Lament

Message-ID: <1991Aug21.001722.28713@usenet.ins.cwru.edu> Date: 21 Aug 91 00:17:22 GMT

Sender: news@usenet.ins.cwru.edu

Organization:  Case Western Reserve University,  Cleveland,  Ohio, (USA) Lines: 7

Nntp-Posting-Host: cwns10.ins.cwru.edu

There once came a man from Moscow

who  for  6  long  years said, "I know how!"  Then  one  night  on vacation

they took away his nation

while our experts on TV all said, "WOW!"

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!wupost!udel!haven.umd.edu!umbc3.umbc .edu!gmuvax2!mansfiel From: mansfiel@gmuvax2.gmu.edu (Yoda Junior) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message-ID: <1991Aug20.143524.3189@gmuvax2.gmu.edu> Date:  20  Aug 91 14:35:24 GMT

References: <35158@usc.edu>

Organization: George Mason University, Fairfax, Va.

Lines: 21

In article <35158@usc.edu> kriz@skat.usc.edu (KRIZ) writes:


>Western Folks,


>Please  consider posting your addresses now ... we can provide  a way >for information to get out ... if things get really bad. Steve Mansfield

11109 Cavalier Ct.

Apt. 7L

Fairfax, VA 22030

(703) 591-4129

e-mail below

Steve "Yoda Junior"  Mansfield


Mansfield@gmuvax.gmu.edu ----------------------------------------­-------------------------------------"Strange how  laughter  looks like crying with no sound,

          raindrops taste like tears without the pain."

          - Queensryche

Xref:   relcom   talk.politics.soviet:3807  soc.culture.soviet:859 Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!wupost!waikato.ac.nz!psuvm!ron From: RON@psuvm.psu.edu (Ron McCarty)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet,soc.culture.soviet

Subject: Re: PLEASE post your surface mail addresses

Message-ID: <91232.223332RON@psuvm.psu.edu>

Date: 21 Aug 91 02:33:32 GMT

References: <35178@usc.edu> Organization: Penn State - Erie Lines: 4

Ron McCarty

4110 Fargo Street

Erie, PA USA 16510

Xref: relcom soc.culture.soviet:861 talk.politics.soviet:3808 Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!ucbvax!bloom-beacon!bloom­picayune.mit.edu!athena.mit.edu!dks    From:    dks@athena.mit.edu (Dhanesh K Samarasan)

Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet

Subject:  Re: Stop the addresses? (Was: Re: Western folks consider posting            your           addresses)           Message-ID: <1991Aug21.002812.10985@athena.mit.edu>

Date: 21 Aug 91 00:28:12 GMT

References:                       <1991Aug20.203115.8907@ncsu.edu> <1991Aug20.224624.23592@cis.ohio-state.edu>                Sender: news@athena.mit.edu (News system)

Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lines: 18

Nntp-Posting-Host: e40-008-11.mit.edu

In       article       <1991Aug20.224624.23592@cis.ohio-state.edu> chandra@cannelloni.cis.ohio-state.edu (B Chandrasekaran) writes: >It  seems  to me that the bandwidth consumption will be humongous if  >everyone   who  read these newgroups posted their  addresses, etc.  >Someone posted some time ago a message on the need  not  to clog  these  >bboards.  I have already seen close  to  50  address postings,  wouldn't >that be enough?  My concern  is  that  in  an attempt to be

>helpful,  we  don't end up causing problems.  Of  course,  people with  >special knowledge (of Soviet languages, e.g.)  or  contacts should >continue to post, but it would appear that the rest of the addresses  >can stop now.  Netters more knowledgeable than  I  who have  reason  to >know that such address postings should  continue can of course overrule >my suggestion.

A reasonable concern. Well-expressed. But don't take literally all you read.

-- Dhanesh

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!crdgw1!rpi!batcomputer!theory.TC.Cor nell.EDU!gaarder   From:   gaarder@theory.TC.Cornell.EDU    (Steve Gaarder)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Simple transliterator for Russian

Message-ID: <1991Aug21.002925.17332@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu> Date: 21 Aug 91 00:29:25 GMT

Sender: news@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu

Organization: Cornell Theory Center

Lines: 38

Originator: gaarder@theory.TC.Cornell.EDU

Nntp-Posting-Host: theory.tc.cornell.edu

Here  is a simple program that takes the Russian-language postings and

changes  the transliteration to make it more readable to  English­based eyes.  This does not translate, nor does it display Cyrillic (I'm  working  on  the  latter,  &  will  post  when  done).   The conversion  does  not  attempt to represent  each  Russian  letter uniquely; 'y' is used for the "i kratkoye", the non-palatizing  i, and  as a prefix for the letters ya and yu.  Similarly, I used 'e' for  both  e and "e oborotnaya".  The soft sign is ' and the  hard sign  `.   You  can muck with the table if you prefer a  different scheme.

The  program is used as a filter - feed it the article on standard input.  I  call the program "tl" and the source file  "tl.c".   To compile

on Unix, save the following code in tl.c and type "cc tl.c -o tl". It  can  be  used in rn with the command "| tl | more".   It  sure makes

english text come out strange!

Steve Gaarder



------------------------------cut here---------------------------­--

#include <stdio.h>

char transtbl[64][5] =

{"yu", "a", "b", "ts", "d" , "e", "f", "g", "kh", "i", "y" ,  "k", "l",  "m",  "n", "o", "p", "ya", "r" , "s", "t", "u",  "zh",  "v", "'",

                          "y", "z", "sh", "e", "shch", "ch", "`",

"YU",  "A", "B", "TS", "D" , "E", "F", "G", "KH", "I", "Y" ,  "K", "L",  "M",  "N", "O", "P", "YA", "R" , "S", "T", "U",  "ZH",  "V", "'",

                          "Y", "Z", "SH", "E", "SHCH", "CH", "`" };



                          int c;

                          while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)

                                                    if ( c < 0x40) putchar(c);

else printf("%s",transtbl[c-0x40]);


Xref: relcom talk.politics.soviet:3810 soc.culture.soviet:862 Path:                          relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio-

state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!linac!att!att!dptg!d1!rkh From: rkh@d1.ATT.COM (Bob Halloran)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet,soc.culture.soviet

Subject: Re: PLEASE post your surface mail addresses

Message-ID: <143@d1.ATT.COM>

Date: 20 Aug 91 20:56:33 GMT

References: <35178@usc.edu> <1733@sophia.inria.fr>

Organization: AT&T Universal Card Services, Jacksonville FL Lines: 12

                          Bob Halloran

AT&T Universal Card             892 Trinidad Rd

8787 Baypine Rd                 Jacksonville FL 32216 Jacksonville FL 32256

904-443-8378                    904-723-5520

                          904-443-8042 fax


Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!brunix!dy

From: dy@cs.brown.edu

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: translation into English

Message-ID:  <83725@brunix.UUCP> Date:  21  Aug  91  00:51:21  GMT Sender: news@brunix.UUCP Reply-To: dy@cs.brown.edu () Organization: Brown University Department of Computer Science Lines: 15

There's  been  a number of articles in Russian posted  by  netters from  within  the USSR.  I gather they contain the  latest  update concerning the situation in the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately  not all of us read Russian.  So if  there's  anyone out  there  that would be kind enough to translate these  articles into English, your effort will be greatly appreicated.

Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~  David Yang        |  If I were wrong, then  one  would have  been  enough! dy@cs.brown.edu   |    - Albert  Einstein,  on "100  Authors  Against Einstein" uunet!brunix!dy dy@browncs.bitnet Brown University Prov RI 02912

Xref:                 relcom    relcom.politics:105   talk.politics.soviet:3812

Newsgroups: relcom.politics,talk.politics.soviet

Path: relcom!news-server

From:  avg@hq.demos.su (Vadim Antonov)

Subject: Хроника

Message-ID: <ACcGfie436@jumbo.hq.demos.su>

Lines: 74

Sender: news-server@relcom

Reply-To: avg@hq.demos.su

Organization: DEMOS, Moscow, USSR

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 19:26:14 +0200 Organization: Leningrad City Council

From: ida@cc.spb.su (Isakov Dmitry Andreevitch) Date: Wed, 21  Aug 91 13:27:31 +0200 (MSD) Subject: Хроника



0   ч.  6  мин.   Первые  автоматные  очереди  со  стороны  здания американского посольства. С разных сторон к Белому Дому подходят 5­6 танков и около 20 бэтээров.

0  ч. 10 мин.  Ответные автоматные очереди трассирующими пулями из Белого   Доманад  танками.  В  здании  гасится  свет,   фотографам запрещают использовать вспышки.

0  ч.  21  мин.  Радио "Свобода" со ссылкой на народных  депутатов СССР  передало,  что  Лукьянов заявил о причастности  Горбачева  к заговору.

0  ч.  32  мин.  Первая жертва: на проспекте Калинина БТР переехал молодого парня.

0 ч. 45 мин.  Недалеко от площади Восстания толпа

преградила  дорогу движущимся бэтээрам. Экипажи открыли  огонь  из пулеметов. Стреляли вертикально вверх трассирующими пулями.  Толпа рассеялась.   Колонна  бронетранспортеров  вошла  в  тоннель   под Калининским мостом. Создалось впечатление, что войска не планируют лобовой  атаки, а лишь замыкают Белый Дом в кольцо и демонстрируют силу.

1  ч.  00   Силы обороны Верховного Совета России готовы в  случае прорыва принять бой. Колонны бэтээров блокируются в тоннеле  двумя баррикадамииз "Икарусов", мусорных и поливальных машин.

1  ч.  30  мин.   Из  штаба Московского военного  округа  получена информация о том, что Кантемировская и Таманская дивизии отводятся из Москвы. В городе остается лишь спецназ и КГБ.

1        ч.  42  мин.   В районе кинотеатра "Ударник" БТР  (борт.Ф  536)

открыл  огонь  по  баррикаде.  Из окна брошена бутылка  с  горючей смесью. Бронетранспортер загорелся, экипаж разбежался.

2 ч. 00  Бэтээры предприняли попытку вырваться из тоннеля, прорвав баррикады, но были забросаны бутылками с зажигательной смесью. Два бэтээра  вспыхнули,  один  начал  вертеться  на  месте.  Один   из защитников Белого Дома был задавлен, другому прострелили голову из пулемета.

2        ч.  12  мин.   Информация, которую в ночь с 20  на  21  августа

передавала  радиостанция,  именовавшая  себя  "Эхо  Москвы",   как выяснилось,  не  соответствовала  действительности.  Как   сообщил корреспондент  "Эхо Москвы" Алексей Венедиктов, радиостанция  была закрыта   в   22.  45.  "Липовые"  сообщения  лжерадиостанции,   в особенности  преувеличения числа жертв, носят явно  провокационный характер.

2        ч.  30 мин.  По сведениям из штаба обороны Белого Дома,  потери

его  защитников составили 7 человек убитыми. Военные потеряли  три боевые машины.

2        ч.  45 мин.  Три баржи перегородили Москву-реку напротив здания

Верховного Совета РСФСР.

4        ч.  15  мин.   ГАИ  не подтвердило, что в  Москву  вошли  части

Витебской дивизии.

4        ч.  30  мин.  Как сообщил полковник Цалко (заместитель генерала

Кобеца   главнокомандующего  ВС СССР),  "части  Витебской  дивизии остановились у въезда в Москву возле мотеля "Можайский".

5        ч.  55  мин.   8  бронемашин,  в  том  числе  и  те,  что  были

заблокированы  ночью  в  тоннеле, перешли  на  сторону  защитников Российского парламента.

6        ч.  00   Госсекретарь республики Геннадий Бурбулис связался  по

телефону  с  Янаевым. Выяснилось, что тот совершенно  не  в  курсе происходившего  ночью.  Из  канцелярии  также  сообщили,  что  уже достигнута  договоренность с Президентами крупнейших  республик  о совместном ультиматуме путчистам.

Наш спецкорр. Максим ШАБАЛИН

из здания Верховного Совета РСФСР

(по телефону).

Xref:    relcom    relcom.politics:107   talk.politics.soviet:3813 Newsgroups: relcom.politics,talk.politics.soviet

Path: relcom!news-server

From:  avg@hq.demos.su (Vadim Antonov)

Subject:  заявление  Собчака для деловых кругов  мира  Message-ID: <AFDNfie436@jumbo.hq.demos.su>

Lines: 87

Sender: news-server@relcom

Reply-To: avg@hq.demos.su

Organization: DEMOS, Moscow, USSR

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 19:33:17 +0200

Organization: Commitee for foreign economic affairs of LECC  From: aag@cfea.ecc.spb.su (Gurianov Andrey A.)

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 14:52:46 +0200 (MSD)

Сегодня  информационным агентством "St. Petersburg business  news" распространено следующее заявление Анатолия Собчака.


(Ленинград, 21 августа, 02.00 МСК) В связи с резко

обострившейся   политической  ситуацией  в  СССР  мэр   Ленинграда Анатолий Собчак дал корреспонденту информационного агентства  "St. Petersburg  business  news" эксклюзивное интервью  специально  для распространения в деловых кругах мира.

   вынужден  констатировать,  -  заявил  Анатолий  Собчак,   что появление  на  советской  политической сцене  антиконституционного Государственного  комитета  по  чрезвычайному  положению  вызывает законные опасения бизнесменов мира относительно уже сделанных  или предполагавшихся  инвестиций в экономику СССР".  Риск  иностранных капиталовложений,  как  и  вообще сотрудничества  с  коммерческими структурами  нашей  страны существенно возрос. Однако,  по  мнению

Анатолия  Собчака, ситуация не является непредсказуемой.  Она  по­прежнему  контролируется  законно   избранными  властями  в   ряде регионов страны и в том числе в Ленинграде.

Поступающие   со   всех   концов  страны  сообщения   о                                растущем

противодействии   путчистам   наряду   с   решительной                                позицией

правительства России и весьма популярного в народных массах Бориса Ельцина  также весьма характерны. Они свидетельствуют не только  о целом   ряде  стратегических  ошибок,  допущенных  так  называемым Государственным комитетом по чрезвычайному положению  при  попытке захвата власти, но и о неустойчивости его положения.

В  настоящий  момент, как считает Анатолий Собчак, просматривается b`(   варианта  возможного  развития  событий.  Первый,                                наиболее

вероятный:  в  результате противостояния правительства  Ельцина  и комитета Янаева-Павлова путч будет подавлен в ближайшие пять-шесть дней.

Второй,  который складывается уже сейчас, но едва  ли  закрепится: заговорщики  смогут  контролировать  ситуацию  лишь  в   некоторых регионах,  но  не  в  таких  стратегически  важных,  как   Москва, Ленинград,   Украина,  Казахстан,  районы  Сибири.  Продолжающийся переход  военных  подразделений  на  сторону  законной  власти  не позволит  Янаеву-Павлову  развязать  широкомасштабную  гражданскую войну,  и,  будучи  изолированными, они окажутся вынуждены  спустя какое-то время капитулировать.

Наконец, третий вариант, который представляется менее

вероятным:  Государственный  комитет  по  чрезвычайному  положению захватывает  в свои руки всю полноту власти. Даже в  этом  случае, который,  как подчеркнул Анатолий Собчак, исключает само  развитие событий,  путчисты не смогут предпринять сколь-нибудь  решительных шагов в отношении частных капиталовложений - как иностранных,  так и    собственно   советских.   "Это   обусловлено   как                                нынешним

катастрофическим положением экономики, так и чрезвычайно негативными    последствиями   для   нее,   которые    не    могут неосознаваться.  Не  случачайно  сам  бывший  вице-президент  СССР Янаев, при всем нашем недоверии к любым его

действиям,  на  пресс-конференции 19 августа  заявил  о  поддержке частной инициативы, - ничего другого он просто не мог предложить." Таким  образом, по словам Анатолия Собчака, "осознавая  свою  меру ответственности  перед избирателями, законом и нашими  зарубежными партнерами  и  предпринимая  все  возможные  меры  для   обуздания путчистов,    правительство   России   вправе   рассчитывать    на политическую     и    экономическую    поддержку     международной общественности  и  деловых  кругов  мира  в  частности.  Поддержка центрального правительства означает сегодня поддержку путчистов." Что   касается Ленинграда, то Анатолий Собчак заявил,  что  органы власти  города, поддерживая усилия президента Ельцина по наведению порядка в стране, продолжают работу по организации зоны свободного предпринимательства.

"Координаты" агентства "St. Petersburg Business news":

190000 Ленинград, а/я 589

тел. 314-62-52, 315-81-01

факс:   (812)   312-62-17   телекс:   121465   LSWS   SU   E-mail: aag@cfea.ecc.spb.su

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Path: relcom!demos!news-server

From:   avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su (Vadim  Antonov)  Subject:  no  more Russian messages Message-ID: <AD7Kfie436@jumbo.hq.demos.su> Lines: 9

Sender:          news-server@kremvax.hq.demos.su         Reply-To: avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su Organization: DEMOS, Moscow, USSR

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 19:29:59 +0200

The  situation calmed down and I'll stop feeding Russian texts  to t.p.s. TV and newspapers will inform you much better.

Peace for everybody.

Vadim Antonov


Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Path: relcom!demos!news-server

From:  alxfed@plasma.gpi.msk.su (Alexander V. Fedotov)

Subject: End of junta

Message-ID: <ABkeZieO46@plasma.gpi.msk.su>

Lines: 13

Sender: news-server@kremvax.hq.demos.su

Reply-To: alxfed@plasma.gpi.msk.su

Organization:  Plasma  Physics  Division,  Institute  for  General Physics

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 14:02:22 +0300

According to the info from the supreme council of Russia the junta (all  its  members)  went to the 'Vnukovo' airport.  President  of Russia

Yeltsyn  ordered  'Aeroflot',KGB and troops to arrest  them.  This deceision  was  approved by the congress  of  supreme  council  of Russia. By the

time  nobody  knows  whether the junta members  are  fleeing  from justice  or  want  to  go  to Crimea (use Gorbi  as  a  hostage?). .................................................................. .    :   Alexander   V.   Fedotov             Research   Associate :  : Plasma Phys. Division, General Physics Institute, Moscow,  SU : : INET:  alxfed@plasma.gpi.msk.su        Voice:  +7 095 132-8216 : :                                        FAX  :  +7 095 135-0270 : :................................................................. :

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!europa.asd.contel.com!gatech!purdue! haven.umd.edu!cs.wvu.wvnet.edu!wvnvms.wvnet.edu!un033324     From: un033324@wvnvms.wvnet.edu

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: CNN,the fate of USSr Internet, Hopefully some help to the people.

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.194302.1739@wvnvms.wvnet.edu>

Date: 21 Aug 91 00:44:24 GMT

Organization: West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing Lines: 31

On the last showing of CNN world Report, They stated that the only viable news

coming  out from the area is from INTERFAX, Tass is not  currently reliable.

A  problem  has arisen from CNN's last report, though.  They  gave estimated  numbers of Computers, Fax machines,  et  al...  in  the RFSFR... they also had an expose on email to-from Moscow.  If  the Soviet  Government happened to see this, they might seriously  try to  destroy the Internet Links out. I know this is just theory and conjecture, but coming from russian folk, i seriously  doubt  that the links will exist for more than a day or two (I hope i'm wrong) TO ALL SOVIET FOLK WHO MIGHT SEE THIS!

In  my  opinion, i truly feel that the link will come down  and  I think  that you should consider all mail that goes out to be  your last.

Also,  if  you want someone to know who you are and that you  were part of the computer links... send mail to the net or directly  to me...  I will do my part and keep a list of the last of the EMAIL­People. This was done by my family during the Bolshevik Revolution so  that  the relatives out of the country knew who was in danger, when they were last seen, where they were living, etc...

I  hope  that  I  have not said anything out of  order,  if  so  I apologise.

Do  not clutter this net with flames directed towards me.. send it via email

I thank you for the time...

Avery Glasser

1064 Van Voorhis Rd J-321

Morgantown, WV 26505

VOICE PHONE 304 293 4738 UN033324@wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu

amg0954%ceo@asv2.wvnet.edu   <- use if the first is down fax to come in the night hopefully :)

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!wupost!ukma!phoenix

From: phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message-ID: <1991Aug21.012041.11820@ms.uky.edu>

Date: 21 Aug 91 01:20:41 GMT

References:                                        <35158@usc.edu> <1991Aug20.143524.3189@gmuvax2.gmu.edu>   Organization:    El'n'tk National Spaceport, Mission Control

Lines: 19

In article <35158@usc.edu> kriz@skat.usc.edu (KRIZ) writes: >Western Folks,

>Please  consider posting your addresses now ... we can provide  a way >for information to get out ... if things get really bad.

R'ykandar Korra'ti

                Editor, LOW ORBIT: Science and Fiction

                5206 20th Avenue NE

                Seattle, WA 98105-3313


                   My  Russian  is poor, but I can get people to  translate  if necessary.  I  also have a columnist in Volgograd -  anybody  know anything from there?

- R'ykandar.


                                   R'ykandar  Korra'ti  | Editor, LOW  ORBIT  Science  and Fiction

                                   "I  hate you, you timepiece from Hades." - Plucky  Duck phoenix@ms.uky.edu         |         editor@lorbit.UUCP          | sumax!polari!lorbit!editor

Path:                   relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!usc!apple!ig!indycms.bitnet!IQTI400                From: IQTI400@indycms.bitnet (vertigo flutter)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: (none)

Message-ID: <TPS-L%91082018345361@INDYCMS.BITNET> Date: 20 Aug 91 23:32:30 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 2

According to CBS News airing right now, three have apparently been killed, twelve injured.  Tanks have fired into the air...

Path:                   relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!usc!apple!veritas!oleg  From:   oleg@Veritas.COM   (Oleg Kiselev)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: A message from Moscow

Message-ID: <1991Aug21.011840.1880@Veritas.COM> Date:  21  Aug  91 01:18:40 GMT

References: <15358@ulysses.att.com>

Organization: VERITAS Software

Lines: 16

In article <15358@ulysses.att.com> grass@ulysses.att.com writes:

>              By the way, I am fed

>              up that this craziness will soon be extended to any newsgroup

at all.

The way I read it:

>--------- In Russian --------------

>                    Vprochem

>                     ya  nayeyus' eti pridurki nedolgo protyanut  pri  lyubom


"On  the other hand, I hope these dweebs will not be able to  pull it  off  for long in any case."   He/she seems to be referring  to

the coup.


DISCLAMMER:  I speak for myself only, unless explicitly  indicated otherwise.                      Oleg                       Kiselev oleg@veritas.com

VERITAS                                                   Software ...!{apple|uunet}!veritas!oleg (408)727-1222x586



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