Xref:   relcom  talk.politics.guns:3077  talk.politics.soviet:3696 Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!olivea!apple!well!rsl

From: rsl@well.sf.ca.us (Roy Stuart Levin)

Newsgroups:  talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.soviet Subject:  Re: Coup "Can it happen here?"

Message-ID: <26817@well.sf.ca.us>

Date: 20 Aug 91 14:58:46 GMT

References: <1991Aug19.202948.15530@sma2.uucp>

Organization: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, Sausalito, CA

Lines: 17

That's  what  I've  been trying to tell these  people  all  along: hunting  rights and shooting drug crazed burglars is not what  the 2nd  is  all about:  A police state and occupation by professional armies  is  what it was all about when the Founding Fathers  wrote it, and today when we have a professional

army  instead  of a universally drafted one, and  a  police  state where  the public has given incredible powers to Darryl Gates  and his  thugs.  It can happen here, you'd better believe  it.   As  a matter of fact, I would venture to prophecy that when they've  got all  the guns IT WILL HAPPEN HERE, since there will be nothing  to stop  them.   By then the masses will be so brainwashed  with  the idea  of  "it's necessary for the police and military to have  all this power to save us from chaos" that they will be asked to seize control.    That's  basically  what's  happening  in  Russia.    A population unused to democracy but suffering economically and from social  disorder  would rather have order restored  by  despotism. Since that's all they've ever known anyway, its more

familiar to them then the growing pains of democratization  and  a shift to

a    free market economy.

Xref:     relcom     misc.headlines:3522    soc.culture.soviet:841 alt.activism:3656  talk.politics.soviet:3697 soc.rights.human:1236 Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!linac!convex!rdavis

From: rdavis@convex.com (Ray Davis)

Newsgroups: misc.headlines,soc.culture.soviet,alt.activism,talk.politics.sovie t,soc.rights.human

Subject: Soviet Coup: write the house of representatives (3 of 3) Summary: Soviet Coup Info

Message-ID: <rdavis.682710001@connie.convex.com>

Date: 20 Aug 91 17:40:01 GMT

Sender: usenet@convex.com (news access account)

Organization: CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Tx., USA Lines: 862

Nntp-Posting-Host: connie.convex.com

----- The House of Representatives ----- (part 3 of 3) Representative Charles Rose (D-7th)

Fayetteville, NC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2731


House Administration

Representative W. G. (Bill) Hefner (D-8th)

Concord, NC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3715


Representative J. Alex McMillan (R-9th)

Charlotte, NC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-1976

Energy and Commerce

Representative Cass Ballenger (R-10th)

Hickory, NC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2576 Education and Labor

Public Works and Transportation Representative Charles H. Taylor (R-11th) Brevard, NC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6401

Pulic Works and Transportation Select committee on Aging Interior Representative Byron L. Dorgan (D-AL) Bismarck, ND

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2611

Ways and Means

Representative Charles J. Luken (D-1st) Cincinnati, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2216


Government Operations

Representative Willis D. Gradison, Jr. (R-2nd) Cincinnati, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3164


Ways and Means

Representative Tony P. Hall (D-3rd)

Dayton, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6465


Representative Michael G. Oxley (R-4th) Findlay, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2676 Energy and Commerce Representative Paul E. Gillmor  (R-5th) Port Clinton, OH

Office  phone  (in  DC): 202-225-6405 Banking, Housing  and  Urban Affairs House Administration

Representative Bob McEwen (R-6th) Hillsboro, OH

Office   phone   (in                                DC):    202-225-5705   Public   Works   and

Transportation Veterans' Affairs

Representative David L. Hobson (R-7th) Springfield, OH

Office   phone   (in                                DC):    202-225-4324   Public   Works   and

Transportation Government Operations

Representitive John Boehner (R-8th) West Chester, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6205 Education and Labor Agriculture

Small Business

Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-9th) Toledo,OH

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-4146 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Budget

Representative Clarence E. Miller (R-10th) Lancaster, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5131 Appropriations Representative Dennis E. Eckart (D-11th) Mentor, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6331

Energy and Commerce

Small Business

Representative John R. Kasich (R-12th) Westerville, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5355 Armed Services Budget

Representative Donald J. Pease (D-13th) Oberlin, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3401

Ways and Means

Representative Thomas C. Sawyer (D-14th) Akron, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5231 Education and Labor Post Office and Civil Service

Representative Chalmers P. Wylie (R-15th) Worthington, OH

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-2015 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Veterans' Affairs

Representative Ralph Regula (R-16th) Navarre, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3876 Appropriations Representative James A. Traficant, Jr. (D-17th) Youngstown, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5261

Public Works and Transportation Science, Space and Technology

Representative Douglas Applegate (D-18th) Steubenville, OH

Office   phone   (in                                DC):    202-225-6265   Public   Works   and


Veterans' Affairs

Representative Edward F. Feighan (D-19th) Lakewood, OH

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5731 Foreign Affairs


Representative Mary Rose Oakar (D-20th) Cleveland, OH

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-5871 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs House Administration

Post Office and Civil Service

Representative Louis Stokes (D-21st) Cleveland, OH Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7032 Appropriations Representative James M Inhofe  (R-1st) Tulsa, OK

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2211 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Public Works and Transportation

Representative Mike Synar (D-2nd) Muskogee County, OK

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2701 Energy and Commerce Government Operations


Representative Bill Brewster (D-3rd) Marietta, OK Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4565 Public Works Veterans Affairs

Representative Dave McCurdy (D-4th) Norman, OK

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6165 Armed Services Science, Space and Technology

Representative Mickey Edwards (R-5th) Oklahoma City, OK Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2132 Appropriations Representative Glenn English (D-6th) Cordell, OK

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5565 Agriculture Government Operations

Representative Les AuCoin (D-1st)

Forest Grove, OR

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-0855 Appropriations Representative Robert F. (Bob) Smith (R-2nd) Burns, OR Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6730 Agriculture Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Ron Wyden (D-3rd) Portland, OR

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4811 Energy and Commerce

Small Business

Representative Peter A. DeFazio (D-4th) Springfield, OR

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6416 Interior and Insular Affairs Public Works and Transportation

Representative Michael J. Kopetski (D-5th) Keizer, OR

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5711 Agriculture

Science, Space and Technology


Representative Thomas M. Foglietta (D-1st) Philadelphia, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4731

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative William H. Gray III (D-2nd) Philadelphia, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4001 Appropriations

District of Columbia

Representative Robert A. Borski (D-3rd) Philadelphia, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-8251 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Public Works and Transportation

Representative Joe Kolter (D-4th) New Brighton, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2565 Government Operations

House Administration

Public Works and Transportation

Representative Richard T. Schulze (R-5th) Malvern, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5761

Ways and Means

Representative Gus Yatron (D-6th) Reading, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5546 Foreign Affairs Post Office and Civil Service

Representative Curt Weldon (R-7th)

Aston, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2011

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Peter H. Kostmayer (D-8th) New Hope, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2011 Foreign Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Bud Shuster (R-9th) Everett, PA

Office   phone   (in                                DC):    202-225-2431   Public   Works   and


Representative Joseph M. McDade (R-10th) Scranton, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3731 Appropriations

Small Business

Representative Paul E.Kanjorski (D-11th) Nanticoke, PA

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-6511 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs

Post Office and Civil Service

Representative John P. Murtha (D-12th) Johnstown, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2065 Appropriations Representative Lawrence Coughlin (R-13th) Villanova, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6111 Appropriations Representative William J. Coyne (D-14th) Pittsburgh, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2301

Ways and Means

Representative Don Ritter (R-15th) Coopersburg, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6411 Energy and Commerce Science, Space and Technology

Representative Robert S. Walker (R-16th) East Petersburg, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2411 Science, Space and Technology Representative George W. Gekas (R-17th) Harrisburg, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4315


Representative Richard John Santorum (R-18th) Mt. Lebanon, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2135


Veteran Affairs

Representative William F. Goodling (R-19th) Jacobus, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5836


Education and Labor

Representative Joseph M. Gaydos (D-20th) MsKeesport, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4631

Education and Labor

House Administration

Standards of Official Conduct

Representative Thomas J. Ridge (R-21st) Erie County, PA

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-5406 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs

Post Office and Civil Service

Veterans' Affairs

Representative Austin J. Murphy (D-22nd) Monongahela, PA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4665 Education and Labor Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative William F. Clinger, Jr. (R-23rd) Warren, PA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5121

Government Operations

Public Works and Transportation

Representative Ronald K. Machtley (R-1st) Portsmouth, RI Office phone (in DC): 202-225-4911

Armed Services

Small Business

Representative John F. Reed (D-2nd) Cranston, RI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2735 Education and Labor


Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Arthur Ravenel, Jr. (R-1st) Mount Pleasant, SC Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3176

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Floyd Spence (R-2nd) Lexington, SC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2452

Armed Services

Representative Butler Derrick (D-3rd) Edgefield, SC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5301


Representative Elizabeth J. Patterson (D-4th) Spartanburg, SC Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6030

Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Veterans' Affairs Representative John M. Spratt Jr. (D-5th) York, SC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5501 Armed Services

Government Operations Representative Robin Tallon (D-6th) Florence, SC

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3315 Agriculture

Merchant Marine and Fisheries Representative Tim Johnson (D-AL) Vermillion, SD

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2801 Agriculture

Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative James H. (Jimmy) Quillen  (R-1st) Kingsport, TN Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6356


Representative John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-2nd) Knoxville, TN Office phone (in DC): 202-225-5435

Public Works and Transportation Interior and Insular Affairs Representative Marilyn Lloyd (D-3rd) Chattanooga, TN

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3271 Armed Services Science, Space, and Technology

Representative Jim Cooper (D-4th) Shelbyville, TN Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6831 Energy and Commerce Small Business

Representative Bob Clement (D-5th) Nashville, TN

Office  phone (in DC):  202-225-4341 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Public Works and Transportation

Representative Bart Gordon (D-6th) Murfreesboro, TN

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4231 Rules Representative Don Sundquist (R-7th) Memphis, TN Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2811 Ways and Means Representative John S. Tanner (D-8th) Union City, TN Office phone (in DC): 202-225-4714 Armed Services Science, Space, and Technology

Representative Harold E. Ford (D-9th) Memphis, TN Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3265 Ways and Means Representative Jim Chapman (D-1st) Sulphur Springs, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3035 Appropriations Representative Charles Wilson (D-2nd) Lufkin, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2401 Appropriations Representative Steve Bartlett (R-3rd) Dallas, TX

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-4201 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Education and Labor

Representative Ralph M. Hall (D-4th) Rockwall, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6673 Energy and Commerce Science, Space, and Technology

Representative John Bryant (D-5th) Dallas, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2231 Budget

Energy and Commerce


Representative Joe Barton (R-6th) Ennis, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2002 Energy and Commerce Representative Bill Archer (R-7th) Houston, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2571 Ways and Means Representative Jack Fields (R-8th) Humble, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4901 Energy and Commerce Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Jack Brooks (D-9th) Beaumont, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6565 Judiciary, chairman Representative J.J. Pickle (D-10th) Austin, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4865 Ways and Means Representative Chet Edwards (D-11th) Waco, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6105 Armed Services Verteran Affairs

Representative Pete Geren (D-12th)

Ft. Worth, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5071 Veteran Affairs Public Works and Transporation

Representative Bill Sarpalius (D-13th) Amarillo, TX Office phone (in DC): 202-225-3706 Agriculture Small Business

Representative Greg Laughlin (D-14th) West Columbia, TX

Office phone (in DC): 202-225-2831 Merchant Marine and Fisheries Public Works and Transportation

Representative E de la Garza (D-15th) Mission, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2531 Agriculture, chairman Representative Ronald D. Coleman (D-16th) El Paso, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4831 Appropriations Representative Charles W. Stenholm (D-17th) Stamford, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6605 Agriculture Veterans' Affairs

Representative Craig A. Washington (D-18th) Houston, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3816 Education & Labor Judiciary

Representative Larry Combest (R-19th) Lubbock, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4005 Agriculture District of Columbia

Small Business

Representative Henry B. Gonzalez (D-20th) San Antonio, TX

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-3236 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs, chairman

Representative Lamar S. Smith (R-21st)

San Antonio, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4236 Judiciary

Science, Space, and Technology

Representative Tom DeLay (R-22nd)

Sugar Land, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5951 Appropriations

Representative Albert G. Bustamante (D-23rd) San Antonio, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4511

Armed Services

Government Operations

Representative Martin Frost (D-24th) Dallas, TX

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3605

House Administration


Representative Michael A. Andrews (D-25th) Houston, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7508

Ways and Means

Representative Richard K. Armey (R-26th) Denton, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7772


Government Operations

Representative Solomon P. Ortiz (D-27th) Corpus Cristi, TX Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7742

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative James V. Hansen (R-1st) Farmington, UT Office phone (in DC):  202-225-0453

Armed Services

Interior and Insular Affairs

Standards of Official Conduct

Representative Wayne Owens (D-2nd) Salt Lake City, UT Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3011 Foreign Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Bill Orton (R-3rd) Provo, UT

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7751 Banking Government Operations

Foreign Affairs

Representative Bernard Sanders (Indep) Burlington, VT Office phone (in DC): 202-225-4115 Banking

Government Operations

Representative Herbert H. Bateman (R-1st) Newport News, VA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4261

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Owen B. Pickett (D-2nd) Virginia Beach, VA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4215

Armed Services

Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-3rd) Richmond, VA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2815

District of Columbia

Energy and Commerce

Representative Norman Sisisky (D-4th) Petersburg, VA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6365 Armed Services Small Business

Representative Lewis F. Payne Jr. (D-5th) Nellysford, VA

Office   phone   (in                                DC):    202-225-4711   Public   Works   and


Veterans' Affairs

Representative Jim Olin (D-6th)

Roanoke, VA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5431 Agriculture

Small Business

Representative D. French Slaughter Jr. (R-7th) Culpeper, VA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6561


Small Business

Science, Space, and Technology

Representative James P. Moran (D-8th) Alexander, VA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-4376

Post Office

Civil Service


Representative Rick Boucher (D-9th) Office phone (in DC):  202-225­3861 Judiciary

Representative Frank R. Wolf (R-10th) Falls Church, VA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5136 Appropriations Representative John Miller (R-1st) Seattle, WA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-6311 Foreign Affairs Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Al Swift (D-2nd) Bellingham, WA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2605 Energy and Commerce House Administration

Representative Jolene Unsoeld (D-3rd) Olympia, WA Office phone (in DC): 202-225-3536 Education and Labor Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Representative Sid Morrison (R-4th) Zillah, WA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5816 Agriculture Science, Space, and Technology

Representative Thomas S. Foley (D-5th) Spokane, WA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5816

The Speaker

Representative Norman D.Dicks (D-6) Bremerton, WA Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5916 Appropriations Representative Jim A. McDermott (D-7th) Seattle, WA

Office  phone  (in  DC): 202-225-3106 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Rod Chandler (R-8th) Redmond, WA

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-7761 Post Office and Civil Services Ways and Means

Representative Alan B. Mollohan (D-1st)

Fairmont, WV

Office phone (in DC): 202-225-4172


Standards of Official Conduct or Ethnics Committee

Representative Harley O. Staggers, Jr. (D-2nd) Keyser, WV Office phone (in DC): 202-225-4331



Veteran Affairs

Representative Robert E. Wise, Jr (D-3rd) Charleston, WV Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2711


Government Operations

Representative Nick Joe Rahall II (D-4th) Beckley, WV Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3452

Education and Labor

Interior and Insular Affairs

Public Works and Transporation Representative Les Aspin (D-1st) Racine, WI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3031 Armed Services, chairman Representative Scott L. Klug (R-2nd)

Madison, WI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2906 Education and Labor Government Operations

Representative Steve Gunderson (R-3rd) Osseo, WI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5506 Agriculture

Education and Labor

Representative Gerald D. Kleczka (D-4th) Milwaukee, WI

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-4572 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Government Operations

Representative Jim Moody (D-5th) Milwaukee, WI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3571

Ways and Means

Representative Thomas E. Petri (R-6th) Fond Du Lac, WI Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2476 Education and Labor

Public Works and Transportation Standards of Official Conduct Representative David R Obey (D-7th) Wausau, WI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-3365 Appropriations Representative Toby Roth (R-8th) Appleton, WI

Office  phone  (in DC):  202-225-5665 Banking, Finance  and  Urban Affairs Foreign Affairs

Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-9th) Shorewood, WI Office phone (in DC):  202-225-5101


Representative Craig Thomas (R-AL)

Casper, WY

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-2311

Government Operations

Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Ron de Lugo (D) Delegate St. Croix, VI

Office phone (in DC):  202-225-1790 Interior and Insular Affairs

Post Office and Civil Service Public Works and Transportation

Representative Ben Garrido Blaz (R) Delegate Ordot, Guam Office phone (in DC):  202-225-1188

Armed Services

Foreign Affairs

Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (D) Delegate

Pago Pago, AS

Office phone (in DC): 202-225-8577 Foreign Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Jaime B. Fuster

San Juan, PR

Office phone (in DC): Unknown Education and Labor

Foreign Affairs

Interior and Insular Affairs

Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton  (Indep) District of Columbia Office phone (in DC):  202-225-8050

Public Works and Transportation

Post  Office  and  Civil Service Committee  for  the  District  of Columbia


Xref:   relcom   soc.culture.soviet:842  talk.politics.soviet:3698 soc.rights.human:1237                                        Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!rice!flammulated.owlne t.rice.edu!hk   From:   hk@flammulated.owlnet.rice.edu   (hyonchol kahng)

Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet,soc.rights.human

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message-ID: <1991Aug20.174928.29843@rice.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 17:49:28 GMT

Sender: news@rice.edu (News) Organization: Rice University  Lines: 21

Count us in, too.


P.O. Box 1892

Houston, TX 77251


713-527-4093 (FAX)

KTRU  is  a  student-run  radio station  at  Rice  University.  We broadcast at 50,000 watts, and if there's anything that we can  do to relay news from the Soviet Union, we'll do our best.

hk kahng

co-music director


hk  kahng            |  "this  compact disc is  made  from  analog masters  recorded  hk@owlnet.rice.edu | without  noise  reduction. half the tracks, in fact, were rice university    | recorded in  a dismal,  cheap  basement eight-track studio houston,  texas      | with puddles of water on the floor.  digital technology

Path:                      relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio­state.edu!sample.eng.ohio­state.edu!purdue!news.cs.indiana.edu!nstn.ns.ca!husky1.stmarys.ca! smuss From: smuss@husky1.stmarys.ca

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: MS Gorborchov ?

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.143643.210@husky1.stmarys.ca>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:36:43 GMT

Organization: St. Mary's University, Halifax, N.S., Canada

Lines: 10

So what do you guys think has happened to MS Gorbechev ?


SMUSS@Husky1.Stmarys.Ca     | BREAD IS THE TRUE  The  Saint  Marys University  | OPIATE

Sociology Society           | OF THE MASSES ----------------------


Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!decwrl!zazen!uwvax!daffy!khan.cs.wis c.edu!iluvdeb From: kapadia@cae.wisc.edu (Atul Kapadia) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Russian/English Translations of News from SU

Message-ID:  <1991Aug20.173415.14250@daffy.cs.wisc.edu>  Date:  20 Aug 91 17:34:15 GMT

Sender: news@daffy.cs.wisc.edu (The News) Organization: University of Wisconsin -- Madison Lines: 5

Originator: iluvdeb@khan.cs.wisc.edu

Is someone providing such translations. Where ?

And do almost all the people reading this group know Russian.

I am stumped. Cant understand all the news from SU.


Path:               relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!emory!att!linac!convex!usenet From: gglover@convex.COM (george glover)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: FAX Numbers along with adresses ??

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.181643.19877@convex.com> Date:  20  Aug  91 18:16:43 GMT

References:     <1991Aug20.173032.6552@smsc.sony.com>      Sender: usenet@convex.com     (news     access     account)      Reply-To: gglover@convex.COM (george glover)

Organization: CONVEX Computer Corporation, Richardson, Tx., USA Lines: 30

Nntp-Posting-Host: cnvxla.convex.com

In          article          <1991Aug20.173032.6552@smsc.sony.com> george@smsc.sony.com (George Maestri) writes: >


>It seems like communications will become a problem.  Maybe we >should also start giving fax numbers as well as suface addresses. >I'm  sure there are more fax machines than net news sites in  the SU. >Faxes would also be much faster than snail mail.


>Also,  if we could start collecting fax machine numbers from  our >friends in the SU, we could stay in touch, and distribute news of >important  events, much like the Chinese students did  two  years ago. >

>I  can offer my services to keep this list and distrubute it,  if >necessary.



> >================================================================= >  George Maestri                   george@smsc.sony.com

>  Sony Microsystems Company        {uunet,mips}!sonyusa!george

>  645 River Oaks Pkwy              (408)944-4087

>     San    Jose,    CA   95134                 fax#(408)954-1057 >================================================================= George V. Glover

2145 Furner St.

El Cajon, CA 92020 Phone: 619-562-9443 Fax: 619-674-1124

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!spool.mu.edu!agate!bionet!ig!weizman n.weizmann.ac.il!LIBACH    From:    LIBACH@WEIZMANN.WEIZMANN.AC.IL (nathan)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Yazov

Message-ID: <TPS-L%91082013195556@INDYCMS.BITNET>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:15:34 GMT


Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 5

Translation of message about Yazov:

He refused from participating in the Emergency Comeety and he told, that he didn't know about events in which he is blamed to take part

Path:                             relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!samsung!news.cs.indiana.edu!ariel.unm.edu!lynx!nmsu!opus !ataylor From: ataylor@nmsu.edu (Nosy)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: avg's posts: translation?

Message-ID: <ATAYLOR.91Aug20113928@karnaugh.nmsu.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 17:39:28 GMT

Sender: news@NMSU.Edu

Distribution: talk.politics.soviet

Organization: NMSU Computer Science

Lines: 5

I hope someone can provide us with translations of avg's

posts as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Xref: relcom soc.culture.soviet:843 talk.politics.soviet:3704 Path:                 relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!mips!sgi!roberts@nimrod.wpd.sgi.com                From: roberts@nimrod.wpd.sgi.com (roberts)

Newsgroups:    soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet    Subject: Surface Address

Message-ID:  <125973@sgi.sgi.com> Date: 20  Aug  91  18:21:17  GMT Sender: guest@sgi.sgi.com

Lines: 5

Robert Stephens

                          3725 Swallow Way

                          Santa Clara, CA 95051


Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!spool.mu.edu!agate!bionet!ig!templev m.bitnet!V2153A From: V2153A@templevm.bitnet

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: U.S. ambassador to the USSR Message-ID: <TPS-L%91082013283551@INDYCMS.BITNET> Date: 20 Aug 91 19:23:17 GMT

References: <sharon@UNIXLAND.NATICK.MA.US> Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet>

Lines: 5

Has  anyone  out  there taken a VERY CYNICAL look  at  the  Soviet situation?   Has an yone given thought to the fact the  Gorbi  set this  entire thing up in order to m ake the people believe in  his policies,  to  make them realize that with a hard l  ine  movement there would be no Glasnost,Perestroika- Whatever was gained would


Path:                             relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!ucselx!bionet!ig!cat.syr.edu!anders on From: anderson@CAT.SYR.EDU (Joseph Anderson)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re:  PLEASE post your surface mail addresses

Message-ID: <9108201833.AA02019@cat.syr.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:33:33 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet>

Lines: 1

Sorry about the ignorance....what's a surface address?

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!wupost!udel!haven.umd.edu!mimsy!skip py.umiacs.umd.edu!ktaylor    From:   ktaylor@skippy.umiacs.umd.edu (Kenneth Taylor)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Yazov is out

Message-ID: <38375@mimsy.umd.edu> Date: 20 Aug 91 18:30:15 GMT Sender: news@mimsy.umd.edu

Reply-To: ktaylor@umiacs.umd.edu (Kenneth Taylor)

Distribution:       talk.politics.soviet,      talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.soviet  Organization:  UMIACS,  Univ.   of   Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

Lines: 6

NPR  just  broadcast a report, which they took of the wires,  taht Dimitri Yazov(sp?) the defense minister has been replaced  on  the emergency committee. No explanation was given, except that it  was said that he was suffering from unspecified health problems.   The report was broadcast at 2:30 pm  EDT.

ken taylor

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!decwrl!zazen!psl.wisc.edu!bill From: bill@pslu1.psl.wisc.edu (Bill Roth)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Yazov translation

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.183926.21418@pslu1.psl.wisc.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:39:26 GMT

Sender: bill@pslu1.psl.wisc.edu (Bill Roth)

Organization: University of Wisconsin Physical Sciences Lab

Lines: 44

In talk.politics.soviet you write:

>In  article  <AAe1IieKE0@jumbo.hq.demos.su> avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su writes: >>Subject: qZOW







>>wSE \TO IDET SO SSYLKOJ NA |ho moskwy

>>zARABOTALA LI \TA RADIOSTANCIQ ? >>----------------------------­----------------------------------->>Igor E. Chechik -- postmaster of St. Peterburg (Leningrad), USSR

>Could someone translate this please?

We have heard by radio that Yazov (minister of Defense of SU) said he never has been member of that committee and doesn't know anything about that committee.

Also radio said that Misha (Gorbachev) has been flown to

Moscow on military bomb plane

Here  they  say  that  source of this info  is  radiostation  "eho moscvy" (independent democratic radiostation).

Does that radiostation really start to work?

End of translation.

In previuos russian language postings there were information

about  other  people (e.g. contr-admiral, vice-major of  Leningrad Scherbakov,..) who said that they aren't in any way connected with coup committee.

And that info about their participation in coup and about

their assignments is falsified by conspirators.


--Igor Belchinskiy           bil@uunet.uu.net       Here and now. --UUNET Technologies, Inc.   +1(703)876-5050

-­-----------------------------------------------------------------­-----Bill   Roth,   University  of  Wisconsin  Physical   Sciences Laboratory                              Internet:bill@psl.wisc.edu NeXTMAIL:roth@pslu1.psl.wisc.edu /608-873-6651

Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!sol.c tr.columbia.edu!ucselx!bionet!ig!mamut.wlu.ca!lgonick6       From: lgonick6@MAMUT.WLU.CA (lev gonick f)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: canadian contact address

Message-ID:  <9108201843.AA25604@unix6> Date: 20 Aug  91  18:43:32 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 9

Yet one more address for contact:

Lev Gonick

Department of Political Science

Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5 CANADA

Fax: 519 570-1419

Internet: lgonick6@mach1.wlu.ca

Xref:  relcom rec.games.chess:2348 talk.politics.soviet:3710 Path: relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!bywater!arnor!news             From: oleg@watson.ibm.com (Oleg Vishnepolsky)

Newsgroups:  rec.games.chess,talk.politics.soviet Subject:  Report of     an     imminent     attack    on    Yeltsin     Message-ID: <1991Aug20.171856.21176@watson.ibm.com> Date: 20 Aug  91  17:18:56 GMT

Sender:  news@watson.ibm.com (NNTP News Poster) Organization:  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Lines: 5

Nntp-Posting-Host: oleg

Disclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views, not  those of IBM

I  heard  on  CNN  that  KGB  is  concentrating  forces  near  the parliament

building for the attack on forces loyal to President Yeltsin.

The attack is expected to be anytime tonight.

Oleg Vihnepolsky

Path:         relcom!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zephyr.ens.tek.com!uw­beaver!ubc-cs!unixg.ubc.ca!wangf From:  wangf@unixg.ubc.ca  (Frank Wang)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: COMMUNISM

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.190202.8937@unixg.ubc.ca>

Date: 20 Aug 91 19:02:02 GMT

References:   <1991Aug13.004731.29679@ddsw1.MCS.COM>  <5949@micro­ix.UUCP>      <1991Aug18.030544.26049@ddsw1.MCS.COM>       Sender: news@unixg.ubc.ca (Usenet News Maintenance)

Organization:  University  of British Columbia,  Vancouver,  B.C., Canada

Lines: 8

Nntp-Posting-Host: chilko.ucs.ubc.ca


>>> Communism itself isn't an evil wicked political theory.


There is a similar discussion in soc.culture.china.  My opinion is when com-ism failed globe wide, there must be something wrong with its theory.  Though I can't say what and where.

F. Wang

Path:     relcom!demos!fuug!funic!news.funet.fi!sunic!dkuug!dde!ct From: ct@dde.dk (Claus Tondering)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject:  Re:  Gorbachev  is still worth more  alive.  Message-ID: <1991Aug20.142421.20688@dde.dk>

Date: 20 Aug 91 14:24:21 GMT

References:  <9108200546.AA02643@cwns1.INS.CWRU.Edu> Organization: Dansk Data Elektronik A/S

Lines: 13

ai260@cleveland.freenet.edu ("J. Fisher") writes:

>I  doubt  that Pugov et. al. will kill Gorbachev, a man  who  was >awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. They may be desparate, but I  hope >they're  not that stupid. They've already lost enough credibility >around the world without murder too.

Do  you really think they care about their credibility around  the world?

If they did, there would have been no coup.


Claus  Tondering                     |  To  do  is  to  be.

-- Nietzsche. Dansk Data Elektronik A/S, Herlev, Denmark| To be is to      do.            --      Sartre.      E-mail:      ct@dde.dk | Doo be doo be doo be. -- Sinatra.

Path:                         relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!usc!apple!ig!cat.syr.edu!anderson                  From: anderson@CAT.SYR.EDU (Joseph Anderson)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message-ID: <9108201859.AA02864@cat.syr.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:59:35 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 9

Here is mine: Joseph S. Anderson

Suite M222 210 East Fayette Street Syracuse, New York 13202

Joseph S. Anderson

411 Snyder Hill Road Ithaca, New York 14850

Xref: relcom talk.politics.soviet:3714 soc.culture.soviet:844 Path:                 relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!caen!hellgate.utah.edu!fcom.cc.utah.edu!cc.utah.edu!beez er From: beezer@cc.utah.edu

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet,soc.culture.soviet


Message-ID: <20AUG199113001659@cc.utah.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 20:00:00 GMT

References: <AAHW3ieuC1@jumbo.hq.demos.su>

Sender: news@fcom.cc.utah.edu

Organization: University of Utah Computer Center

Lines: 5

News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.4-b1

In  article  <AAHW3ieuC1@jumbo.hq.demos.su>, avg@jumbo.hq.demos.su writes...



I'll second that.  This is no GAME folks; help - don't hinder. Xref: relcom soc.culture.soviet:845 talk.politics.soviet:3715 Path:             relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio-

state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!emory!utkcs2!michelle         From: michelle@cs.utk.edu (Michelle)

Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet,talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message-ID: <kb2q4fINN2bs@utkcs2.cs.utk.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 19:07:59 GMT

References:                                 <125872@sgi.sgi.com>

<1991Aug20.123858.18454@hubcap.clemson.edu> <1991Aug20.164602.22309@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu>         Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville - CS Department

Lines: 7

NNTP-Posting-Host: deneb.cs.utk.edu

Michelle Davison

                                107 Ayres Hall

Knoxville, TN 37996-1301 michelle@cs.utk.edu

Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!apple!ig!cat.syr.ed u!anderson From: anderson@CAT.SYR.EDU (Joseph Anderson) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses

Message-ID: <9108201901.AA02916@cat.syr.edu> Date: 20 Aug 91 19:01:45 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Lines: 4

Joe Anderson

Suite M222 210 E. Fayette Street Syracuse, New York 13202 anderson@cat.syr.edu

Path:                     relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!ames!sun­barr!cronkite.Central.Sun.COM!jethro!gakbox!gak              From: gak@gakbox.Corp.Sun.COM (Richard Stueven)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Committee in Trouble?

Message-ID:  <5260@jethro.Corp.Sun.COM> Date: 20 Aug  91  18:47:47 GMT

Sender: news@jethro.Corp.Sun.COM Reply-To: gak@gakbox.Corp.Sun.COM Organization: Sun Microsystems Lines: 10

According to NPR:

Yazov has resigned. Pavlov is "ill".

Two down, six to go...is the Emergency Committee in trouble? TOOMUCHPRESSURETOOMUCHPRESSURETOOMUCHPRESSURETOOMUCHPRESSURETOOMUC HPRESSURETOO      Richard     Stueven             gak@Corp.Sun.COM ...!attmail!gak ITMUSTSTOPITMUSTSTOPITMUSTSTOPITMUSTSTOPITMUSTSTOPITMUSTSTOPITMUST STOPITMUSTST                                                 Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!apple!ig!cat.syr.ed u!anderson From: anderson@CAT.SYR.EDU (Joseph Anderson) Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: U.S. ambassador to the USSR

Message-ID:  <9108201916.AA03316@cat.syr.edu>  Date:  20  Aug   91 19:16:24 GMT

Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet>

Lines: 2

             What's missing is some convincing evidence

Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!europa.asd.contel.com!gatech!mcnc!rock!jaz z!cole From: cole@jazz.concert.net (Derrick C. Cole)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: things to come (see the World Monitor)

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.192737.12345@rock.concert.net>

Date: 20 Aug 91 19:27:37 GMT

References: <1991Aug19.154506.7160@noose.ecn.purdue.edu>

Sender: news@rock.concert.net

Organization: Center for Communications, MCNC; RTP, NC

Lines: 17

In       article      <1991Aug19.154506.7160@noose.ecn.purdue.edu> muttiah@stable.ecn.purdue.edu   (Ranjan   S    Muttiah)    writes: >Interested  readers  might want to see the interview  that  Alvin Toeffler

>had  with  a  soviet General about 3-4 months ago  on  the  World Monitor.

>Don't  remember the general's name.  But a couple of things  have already >come to pass:


> 1. Remove Gorbie from power by a Coup.

> 2. Install emergency powers for six (?) months.


>Damn, I threw my copy away thinking the guy was joking.

I  saw an article about a high party official (can't remember  his name  for the life of me...) in the Saturday paper who had  become fed up with it and QUIT. In the article, he warned of an impending

coup by Soviet hardliners.  Does anyone know of whom I'm thinking? Derrick

Path:       relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!van­bc!rsoft!mindlink!a452     From:     Michael_Carman@mindlink.bc.ca (Michael Carman)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: We Must Rescue Gorbachev !!!

Message-ID: <7111@mindlink.bc.ca>

Date: 19 Aug 91 14:32:54 GMT

Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada

Lines: 28

> john@anasaz writes:


> Msg-ID: <1991Aug19.182945.15899@anasaz>

> Posted: 19 Aug 91 18:29:45 GMT


> Org.  : Anasazi, Inc. Phoenix, Az

> Person: John Moore


>             In        article        <3F0B4F9D40E09E18@vax1.umkc.edu>

"talk.politics.soviet via

> ListServ" <TPS-L@indycms.iupui.edu> writes:

>       ]The  fall  of Gorbachev is indeed grave news, but I  seriously

doubt  letters or > ]much else will help. He is out, and I suggest his successors will either

> have

> ]to exile or kill him before the business is done. VMS


>       Also, let's consider that Gorbachev, popular as he was here  in

the west,

>       commands  only  about 5% loyalty rating in  the  USSR.  Perhaps

Yeltsin can

> help, but Gorby is just too unpopular.


It really makes me mad how quickly people are willing to write off the  man  who made the democracy movement possible in  the  Soviet Union  and the other Eastern European contries. This includes  the ignorant  cow,  Barbara McDougall, the current  Canadian  External Affairs minister in my own country.

If  Bush, his lapdog Brian Mulroney, Major et al had done more for Gorbachev  at  the G7 summit, he likely would still be  in  power. Now, we face the possibility of a long slide back into a cold  war -- or worse.

Path:       relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!van­bc!rsoft!mindlink!a1828  From: ussr_business@mindlink.bc.ca  (Rein Stamm)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: The Kremlin Trolls

Message-ID: <7112@mindlink.bc.ca>

Date: 19 Aug 91 14:49:14 GMT

Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada

Lines: 49

From USSR Business  August 19, 1991 Vol. 3 Issue 2

A few thoughts..............

I will start by apologizing to Mr. Shevardnadze whose many warnings  of  an  impending coupe I thought to  be  no  more  than political grand standing.

          Apparently corpses, might, when left lying in the morgue for  a period  of  time, suddenly sit bolt upright and scare  the  living daylights out of anyone nearby. The movement is supposedly  caused by gases, given off by the natural process of putrefaction, in the gut. And that is exactly how I see the coupe.

Now that the Kremlin Trolls are sitting bolt upright, in charge, what  on  earth are they going to do? To maintain power they  will have to deliver something other than a damn good fright. They have nothing to offer the people. If anything, their actions are   only

a further squandering of resources. They will not be able to make the economy function by decree nor do they have a new ideology  to motivate the people with.

This coupe will collapse in a matter of weeks, if not days. There is  simply  too  much working against it. The reformists  are  too entrenched....too  many  republics  are  opposed......only  a  few months  back,  parts  of the country were  shut  down  by  strikes protesting  the  slowness -not the direction-  of  reform......the military is as politically fractured as the society it is expected to control.

Internationally and domestically the coupe's leaders are

isolated.  These  people  are living in their  own  "group  think" fantasy.  Either  because of desperation or  stupidity  they  have totally  disregarded  the results of several democratic  elections and numerous inter-republic treaties and convinced themselves that they are needed and that they are right. They will not succeed.

I  have  no  opinion  to offer on just  how  much  turmoil  and

destruction  we will see before the coupe ends. I  can  only  pray that the matter will be resolved with a minimum of bloodshed. There is a silver lining to this coupe. The worst fear of the reformers has finally surfaced, it can be dealt with in the  open. When the stench clears we will see the beginning of real political and  economic  reform. There will be no more of the on  again  off again.  The  republics  will no longer have  to  look  over  their shoulder to see if the Kremlin approves.

Rein Stamm

Publisher & Editor

USSR Business


Rein  Stamm ussr_business@mindlink.bc.ca Compuserve ID: 70650,3653 Vancouver B.C., Canada

Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!midway!gsbsun!bdh

From:   bdh@gsbsun.uchicago.edu  (Brian  D.  Howard)   Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Western folks consider posting your addresses Message­ID:  <1991Aug20.184517.5488@midway.uchicago.edu> Date: 20  Aug  91 18:45:17 GMT

References:            <1991Aug20.123858.18454@hubcap.clemson.edu> <1991Aug20.150116.18107@news.nd.edu>                       Sender: news@midway.uchicago.edu (NewsMistress)

Organization: University of Chicago

Lines: 15

My address:

Brian D. Howard University of Chicago

Graduate School of Business Walker 309 1101 E. 58th St.

Chicago, IL 60637

email: bdh@gsbsun.uchicago.edu




"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and talent."

Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!midway!gsbsun!bdh

From: bdh@gsbsun.uchicago.edu (Brian D. Howard)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: U.S. ambassador to the USSR

Keywords: Strauss

Message-ID: <1991Aug20.185816.6185@midway.uchicago.edu>

Date: 20 Aug 91 18:58:16 GMT

References:          <1991Aug20.025853.2321@unixland.natick.ma.us> <1991Aug20.042858.12432@novell.com>                        Sender: news@midway.uchicago.edu (NewsMistress)

Organization: University of Chicago

Lines: 16

tporczyk@novell.com (Tony Porczyk) writes: >sharon@unixland.natick.ma.us (Sharon Machlis Gartenberg) writes:

>>I  say sending a guy who doesn't know anything about the country into an

>>incredibly  sensitive  political  situation  like  the  one  now unfolding  in the >>Soviet Union is ASKING FOR TROUBLE. Who  knows what  he'll say without meaning >>to that will send some  horribly wrong signals?

>Like what?  Just curious.

On  the  otherhand,  perhaps a trained  'wheeler-dealer'  used  to working  out  ad-hock intricate and workable deals is exactly  the type of person we

need in place.


"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and talent."

Path:                     relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!usc!apple!ig!cs.umd.edu!biow    From:    biow@CS.UMD.EDU (Christopher Biow)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject: Re: Yazov

Message-ID: <9108201945.AA18937@sonne.cs.UMD.EDU>

Date: 20 Aug 91 19:45:06 GMT


Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet>

Organization: U of Maryland, Dept. of Computer Science, Coll. Pk., MD 20742 (pronto)

Lines: 11

Nathan,  I,  the  net, and the courageous young Russians  who  are posting  on  t.p.s.  owe you a great debt of  gratitude  for  your translation services. Please keep helping us as much as you

can.  So  far,  I have noticed you, a Finn, and an American  trans lating. I am going to attempt to contact all three, and try to set up a system for ensuring that someone is available to translate

on a 24 hour basis. I am also going to try to find additional translators.



Path:                     relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!zaphod.mps.ohio­state.edu!mips!apple!ig!cs.umd.edu!biow

From:     biow@CS.UMD.EDU    (Christopher    Biow)     Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject:   Re:   U.S.   ambassador   to   the   USSR   Message-ID: <9108201951.AA18989@sonne.cs.UMD.EDU> Date: 20 Aug 91 19:51:27 GMT References:         <sharon@UNIXLAND.NATICK.MA.US>         Sender: daemon@presto.ig.com

Reply-To:     "talk.politics.soviet    via     ListServ"     <TPS­L@indycms.bitnet> Organization: U of Maryland, Dept.  of  Computer Science, Coll. Pk.,

MD 20742 (pronto)

Lines: 9

Congratulations, you are at least the tenth person to come up

with  the  same conspiracy theory. Maybe you are all correct.  But please read the group before posting.

We currently

have   at  least  three  Russians  risking  their  lives  to  keep information flowing through the last 2400 baud link to  the  West. Let's keep bad net.ettiquette on other newsgroups.


Path: relcom!fuug!mcsun!uunet!sugar!peterc

From: peterc@Sugar.NeoSoft.com (Peter Creath)

Newsgroups: talk.politics.soviet

Subject:   Re:  Western  folks  consider  posting  your  addresses Summary: my address

Message-ID:  <1991Aug20.154106.20033@Sugar.NeoSoft.com>  Date:  20 Aug 91 15:41:06 GMT

References:            <1991Aug20.123858.18454@hubcap.clemson.edu>

<1991Aug20.150116.18107@news.nd.edu> Organization: Sugar Land Unix -- Houston, TX

Lines: 9

Peter Creath

13319 Conifer

Houston, TX  77079-7118


peterc@sugar.neosoft.com           "I think the cupcakes are peterc@sugar.hackercorp.com         following me!"

(take your pick)                             -Paranoid Baker



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